Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Geography Project

Hey guys! Today I want to talk about a geography project I'm working on. It's all about marking down famous North American deserts, wetlands, grasslands, and mountains.


Right now I've marked down 4 deserts. I first had to look up a desert on my tablet, let's say a really hot desert, like Death valley. Then I had to look for the location to see where it is and if it was in North America. Last, I take a piece of paper and cut out a tiny rectangle, write down the desert and pin the paper to a map where it's located with a tack. But something I did for fun, I took a cu-tip and paint the top of the tack yellow. I've marked down Death Valley, the Great Basin, Mojave, and the Sonoran. Here's a chart for which colors are which. WAIT! I have a joke! Knock knock! Who's there? Ghost. Ghost who? Go stick your head in a bucket of water! (Sorry, wanted to have a joke for Halloween! ^_^ )

Yellow = Desert
Blue = Wetland
Green = Grassland
Brown = Mountain

FUN FACT: People went to Death Valley and set up a gold mine there. But it didn't work out, many people died there. That's how it got the name, Death Valley. (BUM, BUM, BUM!)


I hope you enjoyed the post, please like and comment. But I have another joke! What is a astronauts favorite candy? I will leave it to you in the comments. I'll see you in the next post. Bye Guys! <3


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