Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bacteria Experiment #1

Hey you guys! Welcome to another blog post. Today I'll be talking about this bacteria experiment me, Aidan and Mom are doing. We're growing our own bacteria colony's! Pretty cool, huh? :-)


What we did first is Mom had to prepare 10 petri dishes by filling them up with melted agar. Then, she had to quickly put lids on the dishes and let them sit for one hour to solidify ( I had to guard the dishes from our cat). Next, we put 2 dishes outside on the porch with their lids off for one hour to gather bacteria, and put the lids back, next we flipped them upside down until later. The other 8 were for other later experiments.

The bottle that's in the picture
is agar
The petri dishes on the back porch.


When we were ready for the experiment, we put the dishes in the attic for 4-7 days. When we brought the dishes out, bacteria colony's were in the dishes!! AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!!!!!!

Dish 1
(Four days in the Attic.)
Dish 2
(Four days in the attic.)

Dish 2
(One week in the attic.)
Dish 1
(One week in the attic.)

 Next, we had to add cleaning chemicals on sensitivity squares. The cleaning chemicals we chose were, hand soap, dishwashing soap, rubbing alcohol, and kaboom foamtastic. Then we put the sensitivity squares in dish 2, dish 1 is our control. Finally, we put the dishes back in the attic for a few more days.

The letters D, H, A and K stand for
dishwashing soap, hand soap,
alcohol and kaboom foamtastic.
These are the squares soaking in the

I hope you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and comment.
I will see you in the next post. BYE!!!! :-) <3

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hey again guys! Today I have another post, this time for my first Tinker Lab on Electricity.(Don't worry, I won't have so many puns. ^ _ ^) It's so different to the "Groovy Lab in a Box."


The first thing I did was do this project called "Paper Circuits." I had to make lanterns and a electricity base then when I put the one of the lanterns on it the lantern lights up!

This is the base. It makes the lanterns
light up
This is one of the lanterns
I have made.

The bottom of the lantern is
what makes it light up.
My pyramid lantern.
My lantern that's
supposed to be
Chinese New Year
themed. :D
And Finally my flower lantern.

 The battery brings the electricity through the black wire through the resister and the copper tape to the short side of the light bulb to make it light up. To make it's way back to the battery, it goes through the long side of the light bulb, through the copper tape on the base and through the red wire into the battery. It keeps doing that over and over again to form a circuit. 


This is just one part of my tinker lab, so I hope you enjoyed this post. Please like and comment on how much you liked the post. Bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!!!!!