Monday, January 11, 2016

Making Electricity: Part 3


Hey again! In this post I'm going to talk about going "off the grid."

 Over 1/5 of the world's population has no electricity. We can help those people by making things that don't need to be powered by power-lines or power-plants. Here are some ideas.

 If only you had the power for a computer without cords and power-lines. An answer is a pedal powered laptop!! This idea is from an organization called "One Laptop Per Child." Their mission is to make a laptop for many kids around the world that don't have  electricity. The organization is making these laptops so those kids can be empowered through education.
As you turn the pedals, it generates electricity to power
 the computer. That way, kids have the power of
learning in their hands!

Did you know there's a company that makes toys that generates electricity while you play with them? The company is called "Uncharted Play."  This company makes toys that require motion to make electricity, like a soccer ball that can work as a charger or lamp!

As you play with the ball, it makes
energy so you can use it for
many things! Cool, huh?
The last idea for this post, a hand-crank fridge. This idea was from a man named Rogers Feng. This type of fridge is for keeping vaccines cold. If you turn the crank for a certain amount of time, it will keep the medicines cool. Please post in the comments which idea you like best.
This is the design for the hand-crank fridge.
With this fridge, you won't spoil any more medicine.


I hope you enjoyed this post where I talked about going off the grid. Please comment which idea you liked best. Don't forget to leave a like! I will see you in the next post. Bye guys! <3

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