Monday, November 17, 2014

Stemist Kit "Sound" Making the Hand-made guitar

The last instrument I made is a handmade guitar.

For this project I needed the "Groovy box" for a sturdy frame, the sound maker template, a plastic cup, four rubber bands, a stir stick, two brass fasteners, and the strap.

First, I needed to get my third plastic cup and the four rubber bands (Two thick, two thin.) and stretch them over the cup. Hint: If you don't like the sound of the rubber bands, pull them tight to "tune" them.

 Next, I had to trace and cut out a body and neck for the sound maker. I used the stir stick to support the neck. After I did the neck, I needed to cut a bit of a flap off so I could connect it to the body. I used the tape to keep it on. After that, I put the cup in the hole of the body.

Lastly, I put the strap on with two brass fasteners.

                                                    kinda small, but perfect

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