Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Unboxing video on Electricity

Ola guys! Today I have a brand new unboxing video on electricity. It's "Shockingly" amazing! ( Rim shot!) Oh, computer joke! What is that fly doing in my computer? I guess my screen saver is a little "buggy!" (RIM  SHOT!)  :-P I got that from between the lions.


Please one up my unboxing video. :-)


I hope you enjoyed my unboxing video... and the jokes! Please one up. Good bye!!!! ;-) <8>
                              I hope you had a "SHOCKING" time!                                                    ^
                                                                                                                                    Double Heart

Friday, April 3, 2015

Tinker Lab

Hello everybody and welcome to another post. Today I'm going to be talking about something new on my blog called "Tinker Lab."  This is going to be a really short post.


I'm still going to be talking about stemist things on my blog, but there is only one more "Groovy lab in a Box" coming this month, and then "Tinker Lab" is going to be coming once a month. This is still a STEM blog and you know what that means...



I just wanted to tell you guys about tinker lab. Thank you so much for reading this post. I bet tinker lab is going to be fun! Gooooooood bbbbbbbyyyyyyeeeeee! (-: <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Plants, plants, and more plants

Hello again! Today one of my new stemist kits is all about plants. There's no video because Aidan cursed on my unboxing video!! |:-( But here's the plant projects;
                                                Mad face

My first project was called "The Beanstalk."

This adzuki bean is looking RADICLE! Eh? Get it, radicle?
 Oh, never mind.

   I have to grow a bean. Even though, it's awesome to see a bean grow. The bean in the picture above is in the radicle stage. Cool beans! Get it? If you don't get it. I'm "beanboozled."


My next project was called " Pipetting ." (Yeah, I know it's a weird name.)

This stuff that's growing is wheat grass.

I also have to grow some wheat grass. How I have to water the wheat grass is by pipetting water into the petri dish. It's so cool. I also have a joke. What do you call a plant that kills things? Answer: An agrassin. (Grass/Assasin, Get it?)


My next project was called "Raised Beds."

You can barely see my
bean in the picture above.
Now, there are bunching
onion seeds in the top bed.
These radish seeds are so
cute! Right now I have
cute little seedlings.

You might be wondering "there is no soil, "but I don't need any soil. Water crystals and water beads are much better than soil. What my favorite part about the raised beds is when you put water in the first bed, it drips into the other beds on a piece of cord. The last bed gathers up the rest of the water.


My last project was called " Space Barn."

This is the space barn. Those sprouts are alfalfa seed sprouts.

The space barn is made out of sponges. In my Stemist kit, the instructions said " DON'T GET THEM WET! " Because they looked kind of like pieces of paper, but if they get wet, they swell into sponges.
Cool huh? Aidan calls them "Instant Sponges." The wet sponges help the plants Grow! :-)I <3 plants!


Thank you so much for reading my post, if you liked it please one up and comment. See you later! <3