Thursday, December 31, 2015

Making Electricity: Part 2


Hello again guys! Today I'm going to show how I made my hand crank flashlight.

First, I want to talk about the breadboard. The breadboard is for connecting circuits with wires and diodes and other things. If you wanted to connect a light and wire together in line 1, put them both in line 1 in any of the 5 holes. There are at least 7 vertical lines in the breadboard. The breadboard is very important for the flashlight.
This is the breadboard. Each 5 holes
in a vertical line is connected together.

I had to attach one red and one black wire to a motor. Then I attached the red wire to line 1 and the black wire to line 7 in the breadboard. I had to do the same thing with another red wire and black wire. I connected the other two wires not attached to the motor to an LED light. For the crank, I slid a binding post through a plastic part of the crank. I also slid a rubber ring and rubber cap onto the binding post to make the handle for the crank. To make the flashlight work, I attached the crank to the motor shaft.

I didn't get to make the outside of the flashlight yet. I had to make the circuit work for two LED's. I moved the red wire connected to the LED from line 1 to line 6. Then I connected a resistor to line 3 and line 6. I took my diode and connected it to line 1 and line 3. I had to test the circuit before I added the capacitor. Then I connected the capacitor to line 3 and line 7.
To have two LED's, I removed the black wire from the LED and connected it to a second LED. I also attached a yellow wire to both the LED's. THE CIRUIT IS COMPLETE!! All I had to do was attach the circuit to the flashlight box, close it, and test the flashlight.

In order to have the crank outside the flashlight box, I took off the crank and stuck the motor shaft into the large round hole in the box. The tabs lined up with the small round holes and attached the tabs on the box with brads. To make the crank better, I took a sticky foam circle and attached it to the side of the crank with the handle. I also attached another sticky foam circle, this time with a slit, to the other side. Flipping the box over, I attached the crank back on the motor shaft. Adding two sticky foam strips on the bottom of the breadboard, I flipped the box over and stuck it on the box so the pegs were in the holes above the window.

Right next to where the breadboard is, there were slits for the LED's. I took the LED's from the wires, put them in the slits on the box, and reattached them to the wires. Bringing the bottom panel up, I attached a hook Velcro strap to the top panel and a loop strap to the bottom panel. Folding the top panel inwards, I attached them together and folded the rest of the flaps in. The last thing I did was put a tinker lab sticker on it to keep the handle from hitting the box. THE FLASHLIGHT WAS DONE!!! It's way better than my stemist kit flashlight!

Here is my flashlight in all of it's
glory! Cool, huh?

I hope you liked the post about my flashlight. Please like and comment if you liked the flashlight! See you in the next post. Bye guys! <3

Monday, December 14, 2015

Making Electricity: Part 1 (The Current War)

Hey again!


Let's talk about something that people known throughout electricity history! You know what it is?
THE BATTLE OF THE CURRENTS!!!!!! Nicola Tesla VS. Thomas Edison! Who will win the battle?

Here is some history about how the battle started.
Thomas Edison was known for creating the light-bulb. He also made a power system. He created Americas first direct current (DC) power plant in New York City in 1882.

 At the time, people thought that electricity was scary. Edison decided to make something to make people see that is wasn't scary. He hired somebody to tap-dance on an electrified floor. When the dancer touched the floor, the light-bulb hat on his head lit up!

In 1884, Nicola Tesla came to New York. He asked Edison if he could improve his design. Edison said he would give him 50,000 dollars (That's a million in today's money.) if he was successful. A few months later, Tesla finished the improvements he promised. Instead of giving Tesla the money, Edison just said "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor." It was all a joke! Instead, he offered 10 dollars a week in his salary, but Tesla was so furious, he quit his job.

Edison's popularity grew as he gained more and more customers, but there was a problem with the system. If you were within range of the power plant, you would have had enough power for your house. DC loses power over long distances. If you live in a house a little more than a mile away from the plant, you wouldn't have enough power for an electric toothbrush!! (Too bad there were no electric toothbrushes back then.)

Nicola Tesla decided to take on DC. How did he do it? WITH ALTERNATING CURRENT!!!!
Instead of flowing in one direction like DC, the current alternates in zigzags(Hence the name AC.).
In 1888, Tesla invented and patented an AC motor and power system. The WEMC (Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company) hired Tesla to make AC motors. AWESOME!!!
That wasn't good for Edison, so he decided to make up  rumors about bad accidents with AC. He even told people to use word "Westinghoused" instead of "electrocuted." The worst part was, he shocked stray dogs and cats with AC to show how dangerous it was too! (HE'S A BIG, BIG JERK!!!!)
He was kind of right about how dangerous it was. He was wrong about one thing. When AC reaches a home to power it, it's safe to use.

Alternating current didn't have much popularity, but the advantages were hard to ignore. 5 years later, Tesla's AC system beat Edison's DC system. Tesla made a power plant at Niagara Falls that made AC power. It was the first plant that used water to create electricity. was worth tons of money to build the power plant. In 1896, Tesla flipped the switch and the plant was powered! Years after, people were using AC in New York for years! AC WON THE BATTLE OF THE CURRENTS!!!!

AC may have won the battle of the currents, but we use AC and DC power everyday. Any electronic devices use DC. Computers, TV's, and other things have AC adapters in them to turn AC into DC to work. After the battle of the currents, Edison and Tesla never worked together again. They were both geniuses everyone will remember.


I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did please like and comment. In the next post I'll be talking about my hand-crank flashlight. Bye guys! <3 ^_^

Thursday, December 3, 2015

8th Tinker Lab

Hey again guys! Today I have a new Tinker Lab about making electricity! I hope you enjoy the video!



I hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please like and comment. Bye guys!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Let's Hand it to Hands: Part 3

Hey again guys! Today I'll be talking about e-NABLE and my last project. REMINDER: Whoever guessed "A brain-controlled hand" on the question is right. Good job!!!!


In the last post, we left off with a big question: What will happen when Liam grows bigger?

 His fingers would be too small for him when he grows.
This was a big problem for Liam. That's when Ivan got an amazing idea! He could make a bigger design of Liam's hand, turn it into a digital file, and feed it into a 3D printer. A 3D printer scans digital files and it prints three dimensional pieces that the file had on it. Ivan had to add strings to the hand, that's so person can move their wrist to pull the strings! As soon as he put the hand together, he gave the hand to Liam. The hand that Ivan made had worked! YAY!!! With that digital file, they could help even more kids around the world. They soon decided to share their hand design online, for free! Everybody that saw the design wanted to help. The design was used over and over again for kids around the world.

This is the design for the e-NABLE hand. Whenever
a person flexes their wrist, it pulls the strings.
I think e-NABLE also makes prosthetic fingers too.
Did you know that you can have a hand designed
a certain way? This was designed for a kid
who loved Captain America! I wonder if
they have Minecraft hands? ^_^


The last project that I did was called "Try a Touch Test."

I had to tape two pencils together at even length. Then I ran two tests, one on Aidan and the other on Mom. I gently touched their fingertips with the pencils. They felt two pencil tips. I gently touched them with the pencils, this time on the arm. Interestingly, they only felt one tip.
What is going on? Recepters!!! They send a signal to your brain saying you touched something. The recepters are close together on your fingers. On your arm, they are much farther apart. Cool huh?


I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, please like and comment. In the next post, I will have a new Tinker Crate. Bye guys! <3

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Let's Hand it to Hands: Part 2

Hey guys, in this post I'll be talking about prosthetic hands and finger puppets I have made. First, a joke. What is a hands favorite place to go in the world? Hawaii! That's because hands like to sit under PALM TREES!!!! (RIM SHOT!)


I'll first be talking about prosthetic arms and hands. The first prosthetic arm wasn't really prosthetic, that's because people in old times didn't have the parts to make it move. The first arm was made for a Roman general named Marcus Sergius, who used the iron arm around 200-100 BCE. Around 1564, a French military doctor named Ambroise Pare created a useable prosthetic arm with catches and springs acting like joints. He gave one to a soldier to grip the reigns of his horse. It was so successful that he continued making arms for many people with missing limbs.

Picture of Ambroise
Pare's hand.
Around 1904, a prosthetic arm was made for a pianist who lost her arm. (Her name is unknown.)It was made with a wide finger spread so the person wearing it can span an octave on a piano. The hand also had pads on the tips of the fingers to make the sound it made on the keys quieter. The woman got to play a piano concert in London at the Royal Albert Hall in 1906 with that arm! Awesome, huh? Right now, the United States Food and Drug Administration have a program for making innovative medical devices.
 Guess what it is, is it...

A. A hand that can pick up a anvil
B. A arm for climbing really high
C. A leg for super speed
D. A brain-controlled hand

Leave your answer in the comments, I'll be checking them.


After the handy history, I went to one of my projects. My first project was called "Straw Puppets."

The first thing I did was make the puppet joints. I took some scissors and cut a diamond shape in the straw, I had to do this about 5 times for the snail, 1 time for the squid arms, and 2 times for the bee. I then cut a piece of string, threaded it through the straw to the other end, and taped it. To make sure it worked, I had to pull the string to see if it bent. I had to do the same thing to the other yellow straw to make the eye stalks.

To make the snail, I had to attach tape the snail shell to the body and the eyes to the eye stalks. I taped the stalks to the body, and let the string through the bottom of the body. If you pull the string, it'll make the eyes move! Cool huh? I had to make the sea monster and the bee too. The puppets were fun! ^_^

If you pull the strings, it makes
the monster attack the ship.
If you pull the string, it makes
the bee land on the flower.

The snail is one of my favorite
Interestingly, the word "puppet" comes from a Greek word for "string" or "tendon." The puppet joints resemble finger joints. The string acts like a tendon to make the puppet joints move, kind of like the biomechanical hand.

 Now let's talk more about prosthetic hands. Once in a while they can get pretty expensive. Sometimes people need prosthetics, but they can't afford to get one. How can you make sure that kids have prosthetic hands they can afford? Luckily, there's a volunteer organization online called e-NABLE that can help. How it all started was with a video made by Ivan Owen. He had made a mechanical puppet hand and made a video with it. It was a big hit on youtube.
Ivan Owen's puppet hand.
A South African carpenter named Richard Van As saw the video and asked Ivan for help because he lost some of his fingers in an accident. The two worked together to make some fingers. The fingers that they made worked! Richard could hold his tools again! A mother of a 5-year-old named Liam saw the fingers they have made and asked if they could make some fingers for her son, they said yes! After they made some fingers, Liam could pick up a ball with his right hand for the first time! There is one problem. What will happen when Liam grows bigger? In the next post we can talk more about e-NABLE.
 I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did please like and comment. In the next post I'll talk more about prosthetic hands. Bye guys! <3

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let's Hand it to Hands: Part 1

Hey again guys! In the last post I got a new tinker lab about hands, so today we're going to talk about it. It's really "handy," so handy you don't need a "handyman!" (RIM SHOT!!)


Long ago in caveman times, people thought hands were useless, but they help us create tools and other things. Without them we wouldn't have inventions people have made long ago!
Our hands are made of three different types of bones: the carpal, metacarpal, and the phalanges. The carpal bones are near the wrist. The metacarpal is a bone that connects the phalanges to the carpals. The phalanges are what make up your fingers. All three bones are connected by joints.
 There are two muscles that makes the hand move, one in the forearm the other in the hand. The muscles need to work together with the bones to make the fingers move, that's where tendons come in. Tendons make the muscles and bones work together for the hand to move. Cool huh?

When I started my tinker lab, I went straight to the blueprint for the biomechanical hand. It was pretty easy. First I added finger shaped pieces of foam on the wood palm piece. Then I stuck finger pieces on the sticky foam fingers to make the finger joints. Next, I added eye screws to the medium sized holes in the pieces on the palm side of the hand. The eye screws are for the elastic cord and string.
Here is the front.
Here is the back of the hand.

To keep the fingers from flopping forward, I took some elastic cord and knotted it to one of the eye screws on the fingertips.  I threaded it through the holes in the finger pieces (NOT THE EYE SCREWS!!!!) until it got to the hole under the finger on the back of the hand.  I put a brass fastener into the hole and opened it to keep it on the palm. To keep the cord in place, I looped the cord around the fastener.

Making the fingers move was the next task. I started knotting a piece of string onto the same fingertip eye screw.  I let it go through the other eye screws. I let the string go to the bottom of the hand and I tied a loop at the bottom for my finger to go through. I repeated these three steps for the other fingers. It was fun controlling the hand!

I had a bit of trouble with the
string, but it's worth it!


I hope you enjoyed the post, if you did please like comment. In the next post I'll be making some puppets and talking about prosthetic hands. Bye guys! <3

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My Seventh Tinker Crate

Hey guys! Today I have another unboxing video. I won't tell you much, but here's a hint, it's really "handy." If you want to see the video, just click, tap, smack or however you want to hit the play button.



I hope you liked this post, if you did please like and comment. I will see you in the next post, bye guys! <3


Monday, October 19, 2015

Tinker Lab on Robot Art Part 2

Hey guys!  In the last post, we learned about the drawbot I made. In this post I am talking about my last few projects. They were fun and easy!


 It's pretty cool making art using a drawbot. It's also good making art with just the motor! I got to make art with the motor, the project name is called "Electric Spin Art."

I first took off the motor from the drawbot and evened out the clay. Next, I stuck a piece of tape on the clay. (I had to fold it around to make it sticky on both sides.) Next, I cut out a circle on the last page of the tinker-zine and stuck it to the tape. Last I got some markers, turned the motor on, and started coloring the circle. I had a bit of trouble doing this project, but I had fun doing it. (I think the clay was lop-sided. Oops, silly me! ^_^)

Fail #2
Fail #1


My next 2 projects were called "Crazy Checkerboard" and "Wacky Walk." These projects make it easy to make art and it's easy to do at home.

When I started Crazy Checkerboard, I had to start at the top left corner of the graph paper and color in some squares as I went.(Each line I got through, I switch to another color.) If I get a 1, 2, or 3, I color a square. If I get a 4, 5, or 6, I leave a blank.

I did wacky walk next, it was as easy as crazy checkerboard. Here's a chart for what numbers stand for which move.
1 or 2 =  Go forward
3 = Go right
4 = Go left
5 = Draw a dot
6 = Draw a circle

                  My walk was a really wacky walk, hence the name. It was fun too, I liked it!
Like I said, really wacky walk, it's like a maze!


I hoped you enjoyed this post, if you did please like and comment. I will see you in the next post. Bye guys! <3


Monday, October 12, 2015

Tinker Lab on Robot Art (Part 1)

Hey guys! Today we're talking about my sixth tinker crate. It is all about robot art. People might not think of technology when they're making art, but artists sometimes use robots to make art.


A cool thing about robot art, is that you don't have control over the robot and what it creates, it does it's own thing, it's called generative art.
The first project was called "Wind-up toy Painting." I didn't have a wind-up toy, so I went to straight to the blueprint. This is my favorite part of the entire kit. I got to make a drawbot!

Pic 1: The drawbot fully assembled. Awesome!

 I had to connect a motor, but I needed to prep it first by attaching wires to it. After the prepping, I added a gear to the end of a motor. Next, I connected the motor to a battery pack. Then I placed the batteries in the pack. The motor was finished, but I needed to make the bot body next.
 First I had to cut loop fastener and stick it to the white lines on the bot base. The loop fastener is half of a Velcro for the bot. Then I stuck on sticky foam donuts (YUM! Not!) on the donut mark on the bot base. Next, I stuck markers in the donuts with the marker caps under the bot. Last, I put tiny rubber bands around the markers under the bot. With the body done, I needed to connect the motor to the bot body.

First I added a hook fastener to the bottom of the battery pack and motor. Next I put them on the loop fastener on the bot (Pic 1). Last I stuck a piece of clay to the gear at the end of the motor. That helps the bot wobble to make it draw. All I had to do was turn it on and see what happens. Here's a video about the drawbot! ^_^


I hope you liked the post. If you did, please like and comment. I will see you in the next post. Bye guys!


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My Geography Project

Hey guys! Today I want to talk about a geography project I'm working on. It's all about marking down famous North American deserts, wetlands, grasslands, and mountains.


Right now I've marked down 4 deserts. I first had to look up a desert on my tablet, let's say a really hot desert, like Death valley. Then I had to look for the location to see where it is and if it was in North America. Last, I take a piece of paper and cut out a tiny rectangle, write down the desert and pin the paper to a map where it's located with a tack. But something I did for fun, I took a cu-tip and paint the top of the tack yellow. I've marked down Death Valley, the Great Basin, Mojave, and the Sonoran. Here's a chart for which colors are which. WAIT! I have a joke! Knock knock! Who's there? Ghost. Ghost who? Go stick your head in a bucket of water! (Sorry, wanted to have a joke for Halloween! ^_^ )

Yellow = Desert
Blue = Wetland
Green = Grassland
Brown = Mountain

FUN FACT: People went to Death Valley and set up a gold mine there. But it didn't work out, many people died there. That's how it got the name, Death Valley. (BUM, BUM, BUM!)


I hope you enjoyed the post, please like and comment. But I have another joke! What is a astronauts favorite candy? I will leave it to you in the comments. I'll see you in the next post. Bye Guys! <3


My Sixth Tinker Lab

Hey again! Today I have a new unboxing video for my sixth tinker lab. I also want to say that the post for soda science part 2 isn't coming out yet. That's because I don't have all of the ingredients for the fizzy treat. But here is the video for my sixth tinker crate! :-)

 What will it be? What will it be? Just watch the video and go and see!




I hope you enjoyed the video, please like and comment and I'll see you all in the next post. Bye guys!

P.S, I hope you don't get to impatient for part 2 on soda science. ^_^ <3


Monday, September 28, 2015

Tinker Lab on Soda Science Part 1

Hey again guys! Me again and in this post I'm going to be talking about my fifth tinker lab about soda science. It's all about soda and how carbon dioxide does different things in different ways. Also, whoever answered "cat" on the quiz for tinker lab on flight part 2, good job!


The first project I did was called "Dancing Raisins." (I don't have any pictures for this one. I forgot. :-(  )

What I had to do is fill a clear cup with clear soda, I used sprite, then I dropped a few raisins in it. They started going down and up and down like they were dancing!
How were they doing that? I saw bubbles form on the raisins, that's nucleation! CO2 bubbles are like life jackets for raisins, when bubbles reach to the top of the soda, they pop so the raisins sink again. Then bubbles form on the bumps of the raisin all over again. It's nucleation at work dudes, it's a nucleation site!


Next I got to the blueprint, it was for a CO2 rocket! I made a video for it too, it was pretty cool!

There were 4 things I needed to make, I started with making the rocket.
First, I stuck on 4 clear fins on to a plastic bottle using two rivet stickers on each side. Then I used a circle piece of sticky foam to stick a foam cone on top for the tip of the rocket.

I couldn't wait for my first launch
as soon as I  made it.

Next I made the launcher, I first had to slide a cork into a launcher piece, then I added it on the last launcher piece. Last I added a zip tie to keep it together.

This helps build up pressure to launch the rocket.
Next I made a funnel for the rocket, I just had to add two clear stickers on a clear funnel piece.
This is just to load the mixture into the rocket.
Last I made the launch mixture. First I added two teaspoons of citric acid and baking soda into a little cup. Next I stirred it together until it was completely combined. How does it launch? When I added the launch mixture into the water, CO2 gas started building up in rocket and there was so much pressure in the bottle, it launched straight into the air! Cool, huh?
Here is a video for the launch too! It was awesome!

My next project was called "Magic Balloons."
First, I filled a bottle half way with water with a teaspoon of citric acid in it. Next, I filled a small balloon with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Last I stretched the balloon over the bottle and tilted it upwards. As the baking soda fell in, the bottle started to fill up with pressure and the balloon started to expand!

I hoped you enjoyed this post, please like and comment. In the next post I will be talking about more CO2 projects and a super tasty fizzy treat. Bye guys!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fifth Tinker Crate Already?!?!

Hey guys! Today I have a new video but on my fifth tinker crate. Hope you enjoy.



I hope you loved the video, if you did please like and comment. I so glad that this is my fifth tinker lab. Keep the tinker crates coming!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tinker Lab on Flight (Part 3)

Hello everybody and welcome back to another post. Today I will show you some of the awesome gliders I made. Some of them do tricks!


Before I made the gliders, I had to make a rubber band launcher. It uses the power of thrust from rubber band to make gliders glide.

The rubber band launcher is designed to pull back the
glider with the rubber band. When you let it go, it shoots
the glider into the air.
My first glider I made is the Wright brothers plane. It's pretty cool how the gliders are made. The main part of the glider is a piece of wood that has a triangle slot in it. The triangle slot keeps the glider on the rubber band. How I put it together, I just used rectangle and cube sticky foam to attach the wings and tail to the base. I also had to put clay on the front. I made it spin and do tricks by flipping flaps on the top wings.

The Wright brothers plane.
(Decorated too!! ^_^)
The bottom of the plane.

After that I made a trick plane, what's different about it is that it has more flaps then the wright brothers plane. That means it can do more tricks then the other gliders I made. I went all out with the stickers. :-)

I used almost all of the stickers 
for this one.

Last, I made a shuttle. It doesn't do tricks like the trick plane. Instead, it goes farther when you launch it. That must be because it's flat on top.

After I made the gliders, there were some paper airplane instructions for 4 cool types of paper airplanes: the dart, t-wing, inverter, and cyclone.

Orange is the dart. Blue is the cyclone. Red is the inverter.
Green is the t-wing.

I like all of the planes and they all but the t-wing glided pretty well.

My Opinion

The dart earned 4/5 stars for being like the original paper plane. I gave the cyclone 4/5 stars because it's kind of hard to throw. The T-wing received 1/5 stars because it glided horribly.
 Last, the inverter I gave 5/5 stars because it glided really well and it looks AWESOME!!! What's your favorite? Tell me in the comments.

After the planes, I did this project called  "paper airplane tricks." (Only available for the dart.)

Here are the flaps.

It was simple, all I had to do was take some scissors and cut two lines on the dart plane. If I folded the flaps down, it had more lift. If I folded the flaps up, it creates less lift. What happens when I fold one flap up and one down? It spins! These flaps on the plane are called ailerons. Pilots use those flaps on the wings to make the plane turn. I'm just using it for tricks.


I hope you liked this post, if you did please like comment and see you in the next post. Bye!! <3


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tinker Lab on Flight (Part 2: History)

Hello again guys! Today I am continuing my tinker lab on flight.
This time, we'll talk about famous flyers and other gliders.


So let's get to the first flyer, Amelia Earhart!

Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.  She only had a can of tomato juice and a chocolate bar stocked in her single engine Lockheed Vega.


She took off at the coast of Newfoundland. During her flight, her altimeter stopped working. Then, her wings and windshield started to freeze over in a awful ice storm! To make the ice melt, she flew awfully low. After 15 hours of flying, she landed in a meadow in Northern Ireland, startling a farmer and his cows. She had flown 2,026 miles away from where she took off and became famous for her skill and bravery.

Now let's talk about the Wright Brothers.
 Orville and Wilbur Wright were  the creators of the first successful airplane.
In their plane, the pilot was supposed to lay on his stomach on the bottom wing and steer with an apparatus attached to his hips, while the engine was running. Even though the first flight lasted 59 seconds, they became famous for making the first working airplane.

Wright brothers testing the plane.

Bessie Coleman was the first female African American to have a pilot license. She had to walk 4 miles to school every day and she studied very hard. Since she couldn't get into flight schools in America, so she went to France and got her pilots license there. Then she returned to America and became a barnstormer stunt pilot. After she became a stunt pilot, she was known as "Queen Bess." (But she didn't rule over anything! Of course she didn't because America is free!!)

Queen Bess, the famous barnstormer.


Two famous gliders were made by George Cayley, and Tito Livio Burattini.

 George Cayley found out about the 4 forces of flight (Remember the last post?) and came up with a concept for a modern airplane. It was able to fly a 10 year old boy down a several yard downhill slope. It became known as the "boy carrier."

Tito Livio Burattini was a Italian scientist that invented a glider that looked kind of like a dragon. It had 4 glider wings and was able to carry a body, but not a human body. Do you know what it was?

A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Hamster
D. Easter Bunny

Write your answer in the comments. I'll tell the answer in the next post.


I hope you guys liked the post. If you did, then please poke that like button. In the next post, I will be talking about my gliders and paper airplanes. I will see you in the next post. BYE!! <3


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tinker Lab about Flight (Part 1)

Aloha! Today I going to talk about my fourth tinker lab that is all about flight! I got to make a ton of stuff!


Flying isn't just trying to strap  on wings your arms. It's not like Daedalus and Icarus escaping captivity by strapping wax wings to their backs. Yet, thanks to inventors failed attempts, we have learned a ton of stuff about airplanes.

Anyway, it takes forces of flight to make an airplane fly. Those forces are thrust, drag, lift, and gravity. Thrust makes the aircraft fly forward. The aircraft engine creates the thrust. Drag, created by air, slows the plane down.  Lift, created by the wings, makes the plane go up. Finally, gravity makes the plane go down.

Now lets get to my first project, it's called, "An Uplifting Experiment."

I had to cut a piece of notebook paper into a small rectangle. Then, I curled the paper to make it curl down. Finally, I put the paper next to my lips and blew air over the paper. That made it rise up! I did it the opposite way and it curled down! How did it happen? Lift happened!

It happened thanks to Isaac Newton's third law. "For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction." If a balloon is filled with air and you let it go, the air goes down (The action.) and the balloon goes up. (The reaction.)


Now let's talk about "biomimicry." It was used long ago when inventors were making flying machines. They were making machines with flapping wings. I read about the mechanical bird and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Da Vinci's early wing design.


My next project was called "Designer Gliders."

First, I folded a piece of paper in half and cut out a pair of wings and a tail (I tried a bat wing design.). Next, I stuck them on a glider body with some sticky foam. Last, I put a piece of clay on the end to finish the glider. When I launched it, it didn't glide well. I made one for Tessa too.

My rubber band launcher.
My bat glider.

Tessa's butterfly glider.

I hope you liked the post. In the next post, I will be talking about famous flyers and some more gliders. (That did work! :-) )

Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Fourth Tinker Crate

What is going on guys! Me again and today I'll be showing you another unboxing video this time on my fourth tinker crate. The unboxing video for my lab on polymers wasn't uploading well. ( YOUTUBE HATES ME!!!!!!)



I hope you liked the unboxing video. Please like and comment. BYE!!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tinker Lab on Polymers Part 3

Hello again Guys! I'm here with another post for my tinker lab on polymers. This is the last part for my tinker lab on polymers. ( FINALLY!!!)


Before I get to the last project, I have a fun fact. Did you know that rubber bands, (I hope they don't play awful songs. RIM SHOT!!) bike and car tires are just ONE polymer molecule? It looks impossible, but it's true!


My last project was called "making plastic from milk."

I  put one cup of milk in a mug and put the mug in the microwave for 5 min. Then I mixed in 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in the milk and mixed it with a spoon, as I mixed, the milk mixture separated into a yellow liquid and white curds. I scooped out the curds with the spoon onto a layer of paper towels to dry. It was a cool project!!

It looked a lot like feta cheese.
The protein in the milk is what I turned into plastic. The protein is called casein. The casein under a microscope look like squiggly balls. The vinegar made the casein turn to plastic by unfolding the squiggly balls and connecting them together. What I tried to do with the plastic is make it into christmas ornaments but it was too crumbly.

I hope you liked the post, please like and comment and I will see you in the next post!

Tinker lab on Polymers Part 2

Hello again guys! Today I'm going to my post on my tinker lab about polymers.


Last thing we left off on was making the super slime and putty, so lets get into the recipe on how to make the bouncy ball.


Borax Mixture
 I mixed in 3 blue scoops of water and 1 blue scoop of borax.
Glue Mixture
I mixed in 1 large scoop of cornstarch with 1 large scoop of glue, 3-6 drops of liquid watercolor and 8 tiny scoops of glow powder.
Making the Bouncy Ball
I added in all the borax mixture into the glue mixture. Then, I stirred the mixture until it formed a blob around the craft stick. Then I squeezed and rolled it until it shaped into a ball. ( It lasts for 2-3 days, it hardens after 3 days.)
There is also another recipe called "creepy critters." ( It's the same recipe as the bouncy ball.)
Making the Creepy Critters
I mixed in the borax mixture and glue mixture with a clean craft stick until it formed a blob on the stick. Then I rolled it and squeezed it a bit. Then I got 2 pipe cleaners and cut them in half. Then, I wrapped them around to make spider legs. (I made 2 sets of spider legs.) Then I took a half of the bouncy ball and wrapped it around the spider legs.( I did the same to the other spider legs.) Then, I let it harden for 2-3 days.

Tessa's spider.
My spider.

My next project was called "magic mud."
I had to mix 1 large white scoop of cornstarch in with 1 small blue scoop of water in a bowl with a clean craft stick. It was too much like a liquid and it wasn't like mud. :-(
I hope you liked this post, part 3 will be coming soon and I see you all next time. BBBYYYEEE!!!

Tinker lab on Polymers Part 1

Hey again guys! I'm back with another post on my third tinker crate. My third tinker crate was all about polymers. It's pretty cool. ^_^


There are two types of polymers, natural and synthetic. Natural and synthetic polymers are all around your home.

   Natural          Synthetic
  ~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~
   Paper                Tires
   Silk               Containers
Cornstarch       Vinyl Bags

Polymers are made of small molecules called "mers." They all link up to make a polymer, which is one big molecule.

Poly = Many
Mer = Part
Polymers means "many parts."

The gummy bear was 11/16 in. before.
My first project was called "Growing Gummies."

What I had to do was fill a bowl with water and put gummy bears in it. First I had to measure the gummy bears before. Then I let it sit over night. I measured it afterward.

  Before       After
~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~

 11/16 in.      1 in.
All of the gummy bears before put in
the bowl.

I couldn't find my picture of a gummy bear after so, sorry. : (
The after gummy bears were sticky like Jell-O and were 1 in. tall.
 I got to eat some gummy bears while I was working. ^_^ YUM!

I guess if instant rainbow gummy bear Jell-O, this is the project for you. Just one bag of gummy bears in to a bowl of water and let I sit overnight. :-)

The point of  this project is how this ingredient in Jell-O called "gelatin" absorbs water. That's why the after gummy bears felt like

Now lets add a bit of history into this post. Long ago, there was the "accidental" discovery of silly putty!! Long ago, a guy named James Wright was trying to make rubber out of silicone oil, but it didn't work. He threw the goo on the floor and guess what happened? It bounced back at him!! It was a failure, but James was so fascinated with the goo that he couldn't just leave it on a shelf. He showed other researchers his amazing discovery.  And that's how one of the most popular toys has been discovered. I <3 putty!

There was this blueprint I got in the tinker lab for making slime!! It was pretty cool. There were three recipes. There was super slime, play putty and bouncy ball. Here is the recipe for super slime.
Borax Mixture
I had to fill a small cup one halfway with water and added 1 small blue scoop of borax and mixed it with a craft stick. ( Don't know how much the large or small scoop holds.)  
Glue Mixture
I added 2 large scoops of water with 1 large scoop of glue and 6 little scoops of glow powder and mixed it with a craft stick.( Don't know how much the tiny scoop holds.)
Making the Slime
I used a pipette to squirt 6-10 squirts of borax mixture into the glue mixture. Then, I mixed it with a clean craft stick until the mixture formed a clump around the craft stick. Next, I kneaded the slime for a minute or more. (It lasts for a few weeks.)
Now here is the recipe for play putty.
Borax Mixture
I filled a small cup halfway with water and added one blue scoop of borax. Then I stirred the mix with a clean craft stick.
Glue Mixture
In a clean cup, I added 1 large scoop of water, 1 large scoop of glue and 2 small scoops of cornstarch. (I wanted some color in it, so I added 10 drops of green liquid watercolor.) Then, I mixed it with a clean craft stick.
Making the Putty
I used the pipette to squirt 6-10 squirts of borax into the glue mixture, then I mixed with a clean craft stick. Then I kneaded the putty for a minute or more. (It lasts for a few weeks.)


I hope you liked this post. This is just part 1 of this post and please like.
