Thursday, November 20, 2014

Parts of Everstorm

Welcome back!

 Today I'm going to show you the parts we put on this morning for our final robot, Everstorm! He's the leader of all the Mindstorms. Aidan and I have made Tracker, Spiker, Reptar, and Gripper.

We have built the legs, body, and one of hands so far.

Side view

back view
                                                             front view

 The next part is the head, spinning triblade, and the blasting bazooka.  In the picture below is the 3D builder app which shows the steps to make the robots.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Stemist Kit "Sound" Making the Hand-made guitar

The last instrument I made is a handmade guitar.

For this project I needed the "Groovy box" for a sturdy frame, the sound maker template, a plastic cup, four rubber bands, a stir stick, two brass fasteners, and the strap.

First, I needed to get my third plastic cup and the four rubber bands (Two thick, two thin.) and stretch them over the cup. Hint: If you don't like the sound of the rubber bands, pull them tight to "tune" them.

 Next, I had to trace and cut out a body and neck for the sound maker. I used the stir stick to support the neck. After I did the neck, I needed to cut a bit of a flap off so I could connect it to the body. I used the tape to keep it on. After that, I put the cup in the hole of the body.

Lastly, I put the strap on with two brass fasteners.

                                                    kinda small, but perfect

Monday, November 10, 2014

First Post

Welcome to my blog! I'm going to show you parts of Stemist kits I receive once a month from "Groovy lab in a box."  Sometimes, I may share other things I like to make.

My first Stemist  kit is all based on making sound. Basically, the guide says to make a sound maker that makes three different types of sound. I have finished three sound makers already, and I'm in the middle of making the last one.As  you can see only two instruments are in the picture below, that's because the "Groovy Whistle" wasn't really groovy. It didn't work!

The first sound maker I made was a balloon rattle. The balloon has two small packets of salt inside it to make it sound kind of like a rattlesnake. Next, I made some drums. I used two plastic cups and I stretched two balloons over the cups. (First you need to cut the small ends off.)Just to make them sound different, fill one cup half way with water.( Careful! Make sure not to spill it!)  But before I made the drums, I made the "not so groovy  whistle."